I’m so happy you stumbled upon Figment to Pigment!
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Seija, your friendly neighbourhood part-time nurse, part-time artist. Art has been a life-long passion of mine, and what once was a hobby, has developed into something a little bit more.
Over the years I painted mostly for myself, and I have now been fortunate enough to sell some pieces, and take commissions as well. So, I wanted to take things to the next level. A home studio, an instagram account, and a website later, I’m very excited to expand my audience, and let you into my brain!
I have dabbled in many different mediums, however “brush/pen to surface” has always held a place in my hands and in my heart. I work primarily with acrylics, watercolour, illustration marker, and most recently digital art. My subjects consist of my own quirky, playful, whimsical, take on nature, dreams, and the things that surround me.
Each piece of art begins with a figment of my imagination—and is transformed into a display of pigment.